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The first call for applications for scholarships takes place May 6 – June 21 2024. This call is only open for prospective M. and Ph.D. students applying for degree seeking mobility.

Do you wish to widen your world and study abroad?

Deepen your knowledge on climate change and sustainable food systems.

CaReFoAfrica: Capacity Building for Climate-Resilient Food Systems in Africa

Do you wish to widen your world and study abroad?

Deepen your knowledge on climate change and sustainable food systems.

CaReFoAfrica: Capacity Building for Climate-Resilient Food Systems in Africa

The first call for applications for scholarships takes place May 6 – June 21 2024.
This call is only open for prospective M. and Ph.D. students applying for degree seeking mobility.

participating universities

Climate change has massive impacts on the agricultural sector in Africa. The problems of climate change affecting the sustainability of the agricultural sector and food security in Africa are urgent and complex. The science and tools to deal with climate change are developing rapidly and go well beyond classical agricultural sciences and thus requires a transdisciplinary focus.

The CaReFoAfrica project is an intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme that aims to build human capacity in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation in the agricultural sector of Africa. The project provides mobility scholarships for African M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, for trainees and university staff members to travel and study abroad. The project offers a wide range of exciting academic courses at 6 African universities.

“Through education and exposure, we build future leaders in Africa.”

The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), in the context of managing the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, collects and processes the personal data of some of the candidates. In particular, certain data of the scholarship holders (students, trainees and staff members) is shared with the Agency through the mobility tool under EU Funding and Tenders Portal and treated according to the following privacy statement.

*Disclaimer: Please be cautious when receiving any publicity inviting you to apply for an Intra-Africa scholarship or a message to pay a fee to be selected as a scholarship holder. We have been informed of numerous attempted scams. Before giving out any personal data, please always verify that the information comes from a trustworthy source. Please also note that candidates do not have to pay any fees to benefit from an Intra-Africa scholarship.

scholarships available

 Student mobility

Student mobility opportunities are provided to students at Masters or Doctorate level. Student mobility can be of short term, i.e. credit-seeking mobility. This mobility leads to the academic recognition by the home institute of the study/research period spent at the host.

 Trainee mobility

The mobility of trainees will entail placement periods (traineeship) in private or public organisations / business actors as part of the trainees’ academic programme. Trainees will gain substantial and meaningful workplace experience in the project priority area(s) to increase their employability.

 Staff mobility

Staff mobility can involve academic, administrative, and technical staff. The related activities may vary from teaching assignments, research activities, to administrative tasks, attendance in/delivery of training courses, curriculum development activities, technical support etc.

 Special needs

A budget to support students with special needs is available to scholarship holders with disabilities whose long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments are certified by a competent national authority and of such nature that their participation in the action would not be possible without the special needs items or services.

 Student mobility

Student mobility opportunities are provided to students at Masters or Doctorate level. Student mobility can be of short term, i.e. credit-seeking mobility. This mobility leads to the academic recognition by the home institute of the study/research period spent at the host.

 Trainee mobility

The mobility of trainees will entail placement periods (traineeship) in private or public organisations / business actors as part of the trainees’ academic programme. Trainees will gain substantial and meaningful workplace experience in the project priority area(s) to increase their employability.

 Staff mobility

Staff mobility can involve academic, administrative, and technical staff. The related activities may vary from teaching assignments, research activities, to administrative tasks, attendance in/delivery of training courses, curriculum development activities, technical support etc.

 Special needs

A budget to support students with special needs is available to scholarship holders with disabilities whose long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments are certified by a competent national authority and of such nature that their participation in the action would not be possible without the special needs items or services.


The CaReFoAfrica mobility project offers different types of mobility scholarships.

Each mobility is hosted in an African country, different from the country of nationality and of residence of the scholarship holders at the time of application for the scholarship. The technical EU partner, HSWT in Germany, does not host mobility in this project.


The CaReFoAfrica mobility project offers different types of mobility scholarships.

Each mobility is hosted in an African country, different from the country of nationality and of residence of the scholarship holders at the time of application for the scholarship. The technical EU partner, HSWT in Germany, does not host mobility in this project.

 Universities and their degrees

Applicants for bursaries for degree-seeking mobility should indicate the degree they wish to apply for. Below is information on the universities and the degrees offered by the consortium.

Please note that the process of registration for a degree is separate from your CaReFoAfrica bursary application. Successful bursary applicants still need to register for the degree they applied for. We recommend you to start the registration process and any other administrative processes such as an evaluation of foreign qualifications simultaneous with the submission of the CaReFoAfrica bursary application.

 Universities and their degrees

Applicants for bursaries for degree-seeking mobility should indicate the degree they wish to apply for. Below is information on the universities and the degrees offered by the consortium.

Please note that the process of registration for a degree is separate from your CaReFoAfrica bursary application. Successful bursary applicants still need to register for the degree they applied for. We recommend you to start the registration process and any other administrative processes such as an evaluation of foreign qualifications simultaneous with the submission of the CaReFoAfrica bursary application.

The first call for applications take place  May 6 – June 21 2024

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